Digital Practice Documents

AIA Digital Practice documents may be used for any projects involving digital data or Building Information Modeling. AIA Document C106 provides a licensing agreement for transmission of digital data when not included in the prime agreement. AIA Document E203 is an exhibit to an agreement that establishes the parties’ expectations for the use of digital data and building information modeling on the project and sets the process for developing detailed protocols governing the use of digital data and building information modeling. Once agreed to, the relevant protocols and procedures are set forth in AIA Documents G201, Project Digital Data Protocol Form, and G202, Project Building Information Modeling Protocol Form.

C106–2013, Digital Data Licensing Agreement

AIA Document C106™–2013 serves as a licensing agreement between two parties who otherwise have no existing licensing agreement for the use and transmission of digital data, including instruments of service. AIA Document C106–2013 defines digital data as information, communications, drawings, or designs created or stored for a specific project in digital form. C106 allows one party to (1) grant another party a limited non-exclusive license to use digital data on a specific project, (2) set forth procedures for transmitting the digital data, and (3) place restrictions on the license granted. In addition, C106 allows the party transmitting digital data to collect a licensing fee for the recipient’s use of the digital data.

E203–2013, Building Information Modeling and Digital Data Exhibit

G201–2013, Project Digital Data Protocol Form

AIA Document G201™–2013 is a form that is coordinated for use with AIA Document E203™–2013, Building Information Modeling and Digital Data Protocol Exhibit. Its purpose is to document the agreed upon protocols and procedures that will govern the transmission, use and exchange of digital data on a project, such as electronic project communications, submittals, contract documents and payment documents. G201–2013 is not designed to address Building Information Modeling protocols and procedures, which is the purpose of AIA Document G202™–2013, Project Building Information Modeling Protocol Form.

G202–2013, Project Building Information Modeling Protocol Form

AIA Document G202™–2013 is a form that is coordinated for use with AIA Document E203™–2013, Building Information Modeling and Digital Data Protocol Exhibit. Its purpose is to document the agreed upon protocols and procedures that will govern the development, transmission, use and exchange of building information models on a project. It establishes the requirements for model content at five levels of development, and the authorized uses of the model content at each level of development. Through a table completed for each project, AIA Document G202–2013 assigns authorship of each model element by project milestone. G202 defines the extent to which model users may rely on model content, clarifies model ownership, and sets forth building information modeling standards and file formats.