AIA Contract Documents Offer Emerald Coast Constructors Balance and Versatility
About Emerald Coast Constructors
Founded in 2004, Emerald Coast Constructors provides a wide range of professional contracting services. Through a staff of highly skilled, qualified craftsmen, we expertly serve our diverse customer base and over the years we’ve cultivated these relationships and our reputation for delivering excellent workmanship. From complex construction projects to simple home remodels, our commitment to excellence is woven deeply into the fabric of our brand and we strive to embody this principle across our vast array of services.
“The contracts are fair, balanced, and impartial, and using them just makes good business sense, regardless of which side of the table you’re sitting on.”
Mark Toler, Vice President, Emerald Coast Constructors Inc.
When it comes to ranking the states with the most construction activity, the state of Florida is always at or near the top of that list. Each year, the Sunshine State embraces the new and moves away from the old with shining new residential and commercial construction projects dotting the expansive landscape. The aggressive activity trends are one of the reasons Mark Toler, Vice President of Emerald Coast Constructors, Inc., has come to value his relationship with AIA Contract Documents so much. “With the rate of construction this state sees annually in this state, chances are if you’re a contractor, you’re always going to be busy in some sense. But being busy also means being versatile, and that’s where ACD comes in,” said Vice President, Mark Toler.
Contracts That Fuel Growth
Change in life is often a good thing, and that includes the life of a construction contractor. While some niche-oriented entities are thriving while focusing entirely on one customer segment, for small businesses like Emerald Coast, change in terms of their versatility of services has continuously fueled their growth. “We’ve worked on large-scale public works projects for local school districts and remodels for private residents. That type of versatility is part of who we are, and having a relationship with ACD and their diverse offerings supports our ongoing vision.”
Toler and his team saw firsthand the value of ACD when vying for a high-profile opportunity with a local school district. Using ACD was a requirement for the project and their long-standing relationship gave them s clear advantage relative to their competition. “The client made their contract preference clear and based on our history with the solutions and trust we’ve developed in them; we were in total agreeance.”
“The best way I can describe ACD is by saying there’s a contract for every project, no matter how large or small.”
Contracts That Evolve
The construction industry is constantly evolving, and contractors looking to remain viable need contracts that follow this trend. Laws, requirements, and regulations often change, prohibiting static, outdated documents. ACD contracts are reviewed and revised to meet the customer’s needs, allowing them to adhere to whatever mandates they find on any project. “A lot of changes from year to year regarding expectations for what we can and can’t do on a site and other legal nuances that go unseen to the untrained eye. It’s comforting to know that ACD has already seen them when they arise, and their contracts reflect it.”
“It’s comforting to know that regardless of the type of customer, public or private entity, from a contractual perspective, we’re covered.”