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How Does AIA Contract Document’s New Master Planning Scope Differ from the Updated Regional or Urban Planning Scope?

AIA Contract Documents

July 11, 2024

In June 2024, AIA Contract Documents released two new planning scope documents. AIA Document B212™-2024, Standard Form of Architect’s Services: Master Planning is a new scope of services document for Master Planning. Additionally, the new AIA Document C205™-2024, Standard Form of Consultant’s Services: Regional or Urban Planning contains updated planning services and replaces the former B212™-2010, Standard Form of Architect’s Services: Regional or Urban Planning. Both new documents provide essential terms and conditions that define the roles of the architect or consultant and the owner. These new documents can assist the service provider with educating the client and setting expectations about the course of the project. These documents are also structured to effectively manage risk.


B212-2024 and C205-2024 are related scope documents, but each has a distinct focus and purpose. Some key differences between these documents include the following:


  1. Scope of Services: B212-2024, Master Planning scope of services document is designed for master planning projects for physical spaces that usually have multiple buildings, such as hospital, campus, or educational campuses. In comparison to larger-scale projects, B212-2024 accounts for a more limited scope of services as it is more detailed with regard to architectural design visioning for the project’s physical space. B212-2024 focuses more on the architectural contextual relationships of existing and potential future buildings on the site. As a final deliverable of B212-2024, the “Master Plan” concentrates on the physical design of the project for the purpose of future development.


In contrast, C205-2024, Regional or Urban Planning scope of services document focuses on conceptual issues that are relevant to planning at a larger scale, typically in the context of a city or region. C205-2024 anticipates planning for conceptual issues like infrastructure, mobility, social equity, and zoning. As a final deliverable of C205-2024, the “Plan” may contain overarching goals, such as creating equitable opportunities for different demographics through the enactment of, or recommended changes to, jurisdictional policies.


  1. Scale of Engagement: B212-2024 is designed for services on smaller-scale projects in comparison to C205-2024. Projects that use B212-2024 are often done at “campus” scale. In contrast, the scale of projects suitable for the C205-2024 is much larger and typically consist of an entire region with multiple sites.


  1. Clientele: B212-2024 anticipates the client-owner to be a private or governmental owner-entity. In contrast, C205-2024 anticipates the client-owner to be a city, municipality, or other government agencies.


To learn more about these new releases, be sure to visit these links:


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