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Category: Comparison

A101-2007 Comparative South Carolina Office of the State Engineer (SCOSE)

A141-2007 KDE Comparative

Compares the A141-2007 and the KDE version using track changes to show what information was added, using underlines and what information was deleted, using strikethroughs.

B132–2009/B141CMa–1992, Owner/Architect Agreement, CMa Edition Comparison

Side-by-side comparison of the B132-2009 vs. the B141CMa-1992

C132-2009 KDE Comparative

Compares the C132-2009 and the KDE version using track changes to show what information was added, using underlines and what information was deleted, using strikethroughs.

C401/C401 SP, Architect/Consultant Agreement Comparison

Comparison between C401 vs. C401SP in an underline/strikethrough format showing sustainability provisions and original text.

B103/B103 SP, Owner/Architect Agreement—Large or Complex Project Comparison

Comparison between B103 vs. B103SP in an underline/strikethrough format showing sustainability provisions and original text.

A132-2009 KDE Comparative

Compares the A132-2009 and the KDE version using track changes to show what information was added, using underlines and what information was deleted, using strikethroughs.

A232-2009 KDE Comparative

Compares the A232-2009 and the KDE version using track changes to show what information was added, using underlines and what information was deleted, using strikethroughs.

A132-2019 vs. A132-2009

A132™–2019 Compared to A132™–2009. Additions to A132–2009 are underlined. Deletions from A132–2009 are in strikethrough text.

A232-2019 vs. A232-2009

A232™–2019 Compared to A232™–2009 Additions to A232–2009 are underlined. Deletions from A232–2009 are in strikethrough text.